The North Sea Cycle Route is a 380 kilometres-long cycle trail along the west coast of Sweden through the counties of Västra Götaland and Halland. The southern part of EuroVelo 12 in Sweden, from Göteborg to Halmstad, follows Kattegattleden, which was elected Cycle Route of the Year in Europe 2018 at the ‘Fiets en Wandelbeurzen’ (Cycling & Hiking Fairs) in Utrecht. The full Kattegattleden route runs all the way through the region Halland, connecting the city of Helsingborg in the south and the city of Gothenburg in the north.

The route section between Gothenburg and the Norwegian border is currently marked ‘at the planning stage’ and there are no forecasted route improvements for cyclists at the moment. The current route sometimes follows national roads. Cyclists who prefer to travel on developed EuroVelo routes are invited to skip the Swedish section of the route and use the ferry between Oslo and Frederikshavn.


Development status
  • Certified Section of at least 300 km that has successfully undergone the certification process in line with ECF’s European Certification Standard. It is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network
  • Developed with EuroVelo signs Developed route (see category below) with continuous signing along the route, incorporating EuroVelo route information panels.
  • Developed Route developed for cyclists and signed in line with the respective national standard (i.e. it is part of a local, regional or national cycle network). There must also be a website providing information to users. Developed route can be heterogeneous in terms of infrastructure: type of cycling infrastructure, surface, width, gradients, etc
  • Under development Route containing sections that require further development (e.g. stretches on public highways with high levels of traffic). Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Planning Undeveloped route with no detailed information publicly available on the Internet. The itinerary communicated is a proposal for the best possible option currently available. It may also contain dangerous sections. Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Public transport link


  • Natuurlijk Erfgoed
  • UNESCO-werelderfgoed
  • Cultureel Erfgoed
  • Culinaire Hoogstandjes
  • Maritime Heritage / The Rhine / The Meuse
  • Other Point of Interest
  • Bus station
  • Train station
  • Mobility info center

National & Regional Information


Cykelfrämjandet is Sweden’s bicycle advocacy organization, representing over 5000 cyclists from 30 regional chapters.

+46 8 16 00 17

EuroVelo in Sweden

Sweden is home to four EuroVelo routes, covering over 5000 kilometers from the fells of Lapland to Skåne’s sandy beaches.


A great website with detailed interactive maps of the route as well as useful services nearby. It provides a breakdown of the section between Helsingborg and Goteborg into 8 bitesize chunks.