EuroVelo 12 in Germany runs parallel with the Wadden Sea National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that also crosses the borders into Denmark and the Netherlands. This intertidal zone provides a unique habitat for countless species of flora and fauna. To the north, the route follows the coast of Schleswig-Holstein around the Nordstrand Peninsula and across the Kiel Canal. From the town of Brunsbüttel, EuroVelo 12 runs beside the River Elbe to the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, where you can explore the Warehouse District, which is also on the UNESCO World Heritage list. In Lower Saxony, the North Sea Cycle Route returns to the North Sea coast, passing through Bremerhaven and Emden.

EuroVelo 12 is also part of the national long-distance cycle route network in Germany as D-Route 1.



Development status
  • Certified Section of at least 300 km that has successfully undergone the certification process in line with ECF’s European Certification Standard. It is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network
  • Developed with EuroVelo signs Developed route (see category below) with continuous signing along the route, incorporating EuroVelo route information panels.
  • Developed Route developed for cyclists and signed in line with the respective national standard (i.e. it is part of a local, regional or national cycle network). There must also be a website providing information to users. Developed route can be heterogeneous in terms of infrastructure: type of cycling infrastructure, surface, width, gradients, etc
  • Under development Route containing sections that require further development (e.g. stretches on public highways with high levels of traffic). Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Planning Undeveloped route with no detailed information publicly available on the Internet. The itinerary communicated is a proposal for the best possible option currently available. It may also contain dangerous sections. Cyclists are advised to use public transportation to skip these non-developed stretches.
  • Public transport link


  • Natuurlijk Erfgoed
  • UNESCO-werelderfgoed
  • Cultureel Erfgoed
  • Culinaire Hoogstandjes
  • Maritime Heritage / The Rhine / The Meuse
  • Other Point of Interest
  • Bus station
  • Train station
  • Mobility info center

National & Regional Information

ADFC: Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e.V.

National EuroVelo Coordination Centre

De ADFC is een landelijke non-profitorganisatie met meer dan 230.000 fiets-enthousiaste leden, die zich gezamenlijk ten doel stelt de wegen veiliger te maken voor fietsers en voetgangers. Naast het stimuleren van milieuvriendelijke en dus duurzame vormen van vervoer, adviseert de ADFC over alle aspecten van het fietsen. Dit omvat advies over de aankoop van een fiets, technologie en fietsaccessoires, toeristische en politieke kwesties.

030 2091498-0

ADFC brochure "Ontdek Duitsland per fiets"

Op de online presentatie van de brochure van de ADFC vind je een selectie van de mooiste fietsroutes in Duitsland.

ADFC Kwaliteitsfietsroutes

Momenteel dragen 37 kwaliteitsroutes in Duitsland, 2 kwaliteitsroutes in het buitenland en 8 fietstochtregio's het ADFC-keurmerk. De link geeft meer informatie.

Bett+Bike - Fietsvriendelijke accommodatie

Ongeveer 5.900 hotels, pensions, jeugdherbergen, natuurhuizen en campings zijn op maat gemaakt voor de behoeften van de fietsers. Gastbedrijven die voldoen aan de ADFC-kwaliteitscriteria zijn bij de ingang voorzien van een bordje.

Duits Toeristisch Centrum e.V., DZT

Het DZT promoot Duitsland al meer dan 60 jaar namens de federale overheid in het buitenland. Het adverteert de toeristische diversiteit van Duitsland over de hele wereld. Het adverteert daarom voor een van de grootste en populairste merken - het reisland Duitsland. Een selectie van aantrekkelijke langeafstandsfietsroutes vindt u op met routebeschrijvingen en referenties van Bed+Bike vestigingen.

+49 (0)69 974640

[EV2, EV12] Tourism Marketing Niedersachsen

On this route you can expect gentle hills that offer one magnificent view after another out over meadows and forests. Colourful half-timbered towns and imposing palaces and castles with intriguing and impressive historical backgrounds take cyclists on a journey into bygone days. It makes for truly great cycling tourism.

+49 (0) 511 / 2704880

[EV12] Schleswig-Holstein

From the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, the route runs beside the River Elbe through Wedel, Uetersen and Glückstadt, then on to Brunsbüttel. After crossing Kiel Canal, the route continues along the North Sea Cycle Route via Dithmarschen as far as Husum. It then passes around the edge of Nordstrand peninsula, through Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, and ends in Klanxbüll on the Danish border.

+49 (0)4841 8975-0

[EV12] Lower Saxony

The Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park lies just off the coast and forms part of the Wadden Sea that was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2009. This intertidal zone extends along the Dutch and German North Sea coastlines all the way to Denmark, and provides a unique habitat for countless species of flora and fauna. The UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Warehouse District and Kontorhaus District with the Chilehaus office building await cyclists in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg.

+49 (0) 511 / 2704880

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