
Welcome to Czechia - an ideal cycle tourist destination with a high concentration of tourist attractions and settlements combined with varied landscapes. From flat lands along the Elbe trail and through the South Moravia wine region to rolling hills and mountainous areas along most of the borders, cycling in Czechia is everything but boring. The country boasts over 2,000 castles, 12 UNESCO sites and numerous natural heritage sites and combines cycling adventures, excellent food, world famous beers (but also excellent wines) and good transportation connections, all of this for reasonable prices.

Landelijke Informatie

Czechia by bike

National EuroVelo Coordination Centre

Partnerství, o.p.s. is the national coordinator of EuroVelo in Czechia. This website displays top cycle routes in Czechia including EuroVelo routes, Greenways and cycling friendly businesses as well as cycling friendly accommodations (called "Cyklisté vítáni"), restaurants and tourist attractions.

EuroVelo Czechia

This Czech EuroVelo website offers information on the four EuroVelo routes in Czechia, including cycling friendly "Cyclists Welcome" accommodations, gastronomy and touristic websites. Available in English, German and Czech, the website also contains information on daily sections including major highlights, an online map with downloadable tracks in kml format as well as contacts to find more information.

(+420) 274 816 727

Land of Stories

Official website of the National Tourism Authority "CzechTourism", providing inspiration for cycling itineraries in Czechia.

UNESCO sites

National website about the 12 UNESCO sites in the Czech Republic.

Rent a bike in Czechia

Bike rental service of the Czech Railway Company.


Web site of the national train company Czech Railways (České dráhy) with information on taking bicycles on trains in the Czech Republic.

00420 221 111 122

Public transport information

National website with information on train, bus and public transport connections and travel with a bicycle in the Czech Republic.

Services for cyclists

Accommodation, restaurants, camping sites and tourist destinations for cyclists are indicated by a smiling bike certifying that cyclists are welcome.

(+420) 736 747 361

Iron Curtain Trail in CZ, AT and SK

A particularly beautiful section of the EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail through unique nature on the border between Czechia, Lower Austria, and Slovakia.

Kaarten & Gidsen

EuroVelo 7: Elbe River Trail [Bikeline Esterbauer]

This cycling guide describes the section of the EuroVelo cycle route in Germany from Lutherstadt Wittenberg and in Czechia up to Prague (394 km). The perfect tool to guide you during your journey preparation and on the road: precise and very informative maps at a scale of 1:75,000, elevation and distance profiles, GPS tracks, accommodation and service directory, LiveUpdate, handlebar bag format, and spiral-bound. Also available in German.

EuroVelo 4: “Egertal-Radweg • Ohře-Radweg” [Bikeline Esterbauer]

This cycling guide describes the section of the EuroVelo 4 in Czech Republic between Cheb and Karlovy Vary (60 km). The perfect tool before and during your journey: precise and informative maps, 1:50,000 scale, elevation and distance profiles, GPS tracks, accommodation and service directory. Can be used even without any knowledge of German. English translation of the map legend and the user manual of the guide available at

EuroVelo 7: Moldau Cycle Route [Bikeline Esterbauer]

This cycling guide describes EuroVelo 7 in Czechia between Mĕlník and Vyšší Brod and in Austria up to Linz (417 km). The perfect tool to guide you during your journey preparation and on the road: precise maps at a scale of 1:50,000, elevation and distance profiles, GPS tracks, accommodation and services, LiveUpdate, handlebar bag format, spiral-bound, laminated. English translation of the map legend and the user's manual available at

EuroVelo 9 - From Brno to Maribor [Bikeline Esterbauer]

This cycling guide describes the section of the EuroVelo cycle route in Czechia from Brno, across Austria and in Slovenia up to Maribor (550 km). The perfect tool before and during your journey: precise and informative maps, 1:75,000 scale, elevation and distance profiles, GPS tracks, accommodation and service directory. Can be used even without any knowledge of German. English translation of the map legend and the user manual of the guide available at